Guide to Good Hygiene Practices 2022

Press release: Presentation of the updated guide to good hygiene practices for businesses in the HORECA sector (7.6.2022)
communicated by: Ministry for Consumer Protection and HORESCA Luxembourg
On 7 June 2022, on the occasion of the International Food Safety Day, the HORESCA federation, in the presence of the Minister for Consumer Protection Paulette Lenert, presented the updated guide to good food hygiene practices for businesses in the hotel, restaurant and café sector in Luxembourg. This update takes into account new technological and regulatory developments and allows the operators of HORECA businesses to adjust their working methods to the current level of knowledge in order to provide consumers with the highest possible level of protection in terms of food safety.
The first version of the guide to good hygiene practices for these businesses was developed in 2014 and has quickly become the benchmark for food safety assurance in businesses in the HORECA sector. This is a particularly dynamic sector, characterised by frequent new business start-ups and continuous changes in manufacturing and distribution methods. Food regulations are also in continuous evolution to adapt to technical and scientific progress in the field of food safety.
With this update, the guide to good food hygiene practices takes account of these developments and thus enables members of the sector to adapt to them in order to guarantee a high level of consumer protection. The HORESCA federation thus underlines its willingness to assume its responsibilities in the field of food safety.
The guide has been favourably endorsed by the food control services and validated by the Minister for Consumer Protection.
The official guide will be sent free of charge to each Horesca member.

The new service for Horesca members is online.
Do your own HACCP auto-evaluation!
Control all the hazards that can reasonably be expected to be encountered in the production, processing and distribution process in a sensible and feasible way.